BC-0677 rAAV-CAG-DIO-G-Flamp1-mut

Time:2024-03-19 15:25:52
BC-0677 rAAV-CAG-DIO-G-Flamp1-mut
FeaturesGreen fluorescent cAMP probes, characterized by high brightness, high sensitivity, suitable affinity, and fast response kinetics. G-Flamp1 exhibits maximum dynamic range when excited at 450nm (single-photon) or 900-920nm (two-photon), with a ΔF/F0 of approximately 13. G-Flamp1 has moderate affinity for cAMP, with a dissociation constant (Kd) value of 2.17µM. G-Flamp1 can detect dynamic changes in cAMP with sub-second temporal resolution.
Gene/Insert nameNeurotransmitters cAMP
Tag/Fusion proteinOthers
Titer>1x10^13 VG/mL>2x10^12 VG/mL

[Right-click on the plasmid map to view the high-resolution image in a new label page.]