The envelope glycoprotein (GP) of RV is essential for its retrograde transsynaptic transmission, with its receptors widely distributed at axon terminals. Upon infection, it can retrogradely enter neuronal cell bodies along axons to initiate virus replication. RV lacking the G protein (RV-ΔG) loses its transsynaptic capability, but its replication and transcription remain unaffected (allowing sustained high-level expression of exogenous genes). Therefore, RV-ΔG, when carrying reporter genes, functions similarly to CTB, retrobeads, etc., allowing for retrograde bright labeling of neurons with fine morphology. Additionally, complementing RV-G protein can assist RV-ΔG in retrograde transsynaptic infection of upstream neurons, thereby achieving transsynaptic neuronal network labeling.
The recombinant outer membrane protein (EnvA) fusion protein of avian sarcoma virus (ASLV) is used to package the virions formed by RV, which can specifically recognize the EnvA receptor TVA (TVA only exists in avian cells and is not found in mammalian neurons). Expression mediates the virus to specifically infect cells. By using Cre transgenic mice combined with Cre-LoxP to control the AAV helper virus that expresses TVA and G proteins, it is possible to express TVA and G proteins only in specific types of neurons in specific areas, thereby enabling retrograde monosynaptic tracing of specific neuronal types using RV-EnvA-ΔG. (Figure 1).
Figure 1. A: Principle of Retrograde Monosynaptic Tracing using RV, B: Schematic Diagram of Retrograde Monosynaptic Tracing using RV (ArenkielBR, et al., Nature.2009.)
Studying specific brain areas and specific types of neurons in a retrograde monosynaptic input circuit (see case studies)
Example 1: Retrograde labeling of GABAergic neurons in hippocampal pyramidal neurons that simultaneously act on mPFC and ACB
Figure 2. Labeling of GABAergic neurons in hippocampal pyramidal neurons that act both in mPFC and ACB (Sunetal., Natureneuroscience, 2019)
-The CVS-N2c strain series of RV virus products, with lower toxicity and higher transsynaptic efficiency, is continuously being updated
Product No. | Product Name | Color & Usage |
BC-RV-CVS EnvA461 | RV-CVS-EnvA-ΔG-EGFP | Green, can achieve retrograde monosynaptic tracing when used with AAV-RV(N2cG), AAV-TVA |
BC-RV-CVS EnvA462 | RV-CVS-EnvA-ΔG-tdTomato | Red, can achieve retrograde monosynaptic tracing when used with AAV-RV(N2cG), AAV-TVA (Learn about the applications of this product) |
BC-RV-EnvA862 | RV-EnVA-ΔG-EGFP | Green, can achieve retrograde monosynaptic tracing when used with AAV-RV(N2cG), AAV-TVA |
BC-RV-EnvA844 | RV-EnVA-ΔG-mCherry | Red, can achieve retrograde monosynaptic tracing when used with AAV-RV(N2cG), AAV-TVA |
BC-RV-CVS EnvA471 | RV-CVS-EnvA-ΔG-mCherry-P2A-FlpO | When used in combination with AAV-RV(N2cG) and AAV-TVA, it enables retrograde monosynaptic tracing and functional regulation (Learn about the applications of this product) |
BC-RV-CVS EnvA715 | RV-CVS-EnvA-ΔG-Gcamp6s | When used in combination with AAV-RV(N2cG) and AAV-TVA, it enables retrograde monosynaptic tracing and recording of upstream neuronal activity (Learn about the applications of this product) |
BC-0442 | rAAV-EF1α-DIO-N2cG | When used in combination with RV-CVS-EnvA and AAV-TVA, it enables retrograde monosynaptic tracing and functional regulation |
BC-0041 | rAAV-EF1α-DIO-EGFP-T2A-TVA | When used in combination with AAV-RV(N2cG) and RV-CVS-EnvA, it enables retrograde monosynaptic tracing and functional regulation |
BC-0061 | rAAV-EF1α-DIO-mCherry-F2A-TVA | When used in combination with AAV-RV(N2cG) and RV-CVS-EnvA, it enables retrograde monosynaptic tracing and functional regulation |