BC-1893 rAAV-GfaABC1D-DIO-3xFLAG-5'miR-30a-shRNA(Scramble)-3'miR-30a

Time:2024-08-27 17:19:11
BC-1893  rAAV-GfaABC1D-DIO-3xFLAG-5'miR-30a-shRNA(Scramble)-3'miR-30a
  • Characteristics:ShRNA (short hairpin RNA) is a type of RNA molecule used in gene silencing techniques. It is designed to induce the RNA interference (RNAi) pathway, which leads to the degradation of specific mRNA molecules, thereby reducing or "knocking down" the expression of the target gene.
  • GfaABC1D is derived from the glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) gene. It is a shortened version of the GFAP promoter, approximately 1000 bps in length. Promoter source: PMID: 28712653.
  • Insertion gene:ShRNA
  • Label/fusion protein: 3xFLAG
  • Titer:>1x10^13 VG/mL,>2x10^12 VG/mL
  • Volume:100ul