BC-1913 rAAV-Vglut2-Flp

Time:2024-04-12 13:58:29
BC-1913 rAAV-Vglut2-Flp
Features:FLP (flippase recombinase) originates from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. FLP recognizes a pair of FLP recombinase target (FRT) sequences, flanking the target genomic region. Similar to Cre-lox recombination, it allows precise control over the location and timing of gene expression.
Gene/Insert name:Flp
Tag/Fusion protein:-
Titer:>1x10^13 VG/mL,>2x10^12 VG/mL

[Right-click on the plasmid map to view the high-resolution image in a new label page.]