BC-1253 rAAV-EF1α-FDIO-jGCaMP7b (Testing Report attached)

Time:2024-06-19 15:06:49
BC-1253  rAAV-EF1α-FDIO-jGCaMP7b (Testing Report attached)
Features:jGCaMP7 is a green genetically encoded calcium indicator(GECI) tailored to detect neuronal activity. The jGCaMP7 sensors show substantially better performance than the GCaMP6 sensors in vitro and in vivo.  jGCaMP7b:higher baseline fluorescence, 3x more sensitive than GCaMP6s.  
Gene/Insert name: jGCaMP7b
Tag/Fusion protein:——
Titer:>1x10^13 VG/mL,>2x10^12 VG/mL

[Right-click on the plasmid map to view the high-resolution image in a new label page.]

Testing report
Please refer to the attachment as below.

Testreport-BrainCaseBC220722-1253-9.pdf349.21 KB